Two experts highlight potential in Noble Kingdom after South Korean government announces help to build bridge from Phnom Penh
(Phnom Penh): The project to build the Cambodia-South Korea Friendship Bridge or Svay Chrum Bridge across the Mekong River connecting Phnom Penh to the Noble Kingdom has been announced by the South Korean government in the near future.
Around the project to build a Cambodia-South Korea friendship bridge between Phnom Penh and Ariksat, real estate experts have shown the potential to increase the value of real estate in that area.
Duke Cheng Kheng, CEO of CPL, said that the Cambodia-Korea Friendship Bridge is a necessary need for people living in the Noble Kingdom, so when the bridge is developed, the land sector will increase in price. The price increase also depends on the area, if the land next to the main road, the price of land also rises sharply, however, the price does not rise much, because in this area, the price of land is at a price. That is reasonably priced.
"Arey Ksat area has a lot of potential in the land sector because the area is parallel to Phnom Penh, parallel to the four rivers and also in front of the palace, which is the heart of Phnom Penh and can attract both national and international visitors because "There are four rivers, located in the center of the palace and a major tourist attraction."
Oknha Dr. Kim Heang, President of KW Cambodia Real Estate Company, said that the news of the Cambodia-South Korea Friendship Bridge project from Phnom Penh to the Noble Kingdom is a sign of the area's potential after a two-year absence due to Kovid's disease 19. Following the project, property prices in the Areyaksat area did not rise sharply, as land prices had already risen in the last three years, but the project has helped keep land prices in check by keeping prices down. It means not going up by mouth and not going down by mouth.
The tycoon added, "Arey Ksat area is a good area with a large land area and can build low-cost housing." As for the bridge construction project, it will make people rush to buy more real estate in the area, in addition, it will help the projects that have been blocked for about 2 years to resume their activities. A lot.
The tycoon was positive that after the bridge, there will be many developments such as condominium development, factory development and many other areas.
Please note that South Korea decided to build a bridge across the Mekong River connecting Phnom Penh to the Noble Kingdom, this project will start in 2022. Samdech Techo Hun Sen, Head of the Royal Government of Cambodia, congratulated the achievement of another new bridge for the people of Phnom Penh as well as all Cambodians.
According to Samdech Techo Hun Sen, the new bridge crosses the Mekong River, connecting Phnom Penh to the Arey Ksat area, which will help make the area a satellite city in the future.
Senior Minister Sun Chanthol, Minister of Public Works and Transport, confirmed that the construction of the Cambodia-Korea Friendship Bridge across the Mekong River connecting Phnom Penh to the Noble Kingdom may be built in 2022.