Do not despair

Do not despair

"Do not despair"

 Some days we really feel so tired, so failing, so tired, so confused, so lonely, and we can not tell the story in our hearts. But there are also some days when we feel good, laugh, smile, warm, fresh, successful, get support and encouragement from people around us. Surprising day when we wake up with a good feeling throughout the day, the day we get the good news we have been waiting for.

 We have many days to live and go through those feelings, both good and bad. We can survive because we have a purpose in life, a hope in our hearts. Perseverance is not always successful, waiting is not always a good result, but if we give up those days and choose the way to end everything by death, we will lose every opportunity, even the opportunity to live. Continue to receive good things that will come .... Do not despair of the bad days, but smile to welcome the good days to come.

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