Australia continues to push ahead with economic recovery despite higher Kovid-19 cases

Australia continues to push ahead with economic recovery despite higher Kovid-19 cases

Australia continues to push ahead with economic recovery despite higher Kovid-19 cases

 (Sydney) - The Australian government has said that the mild effects caused by the new Omidron COVID-19 virus mean that the country can still move forward with its economic recovery, despite a record number of daily infections. There have been more than 37,000 cases and the number of hospitalizations has been increasing. This was released by Reuters on Monday morning, January 3, 2022.

 The highest daily number of COVID-19 infections reported on Monday came after receiving the highest number of cases from major Australian states such as Victoria, Queensland, Denmark. South Australia and the island of Tasmania, as well as the capital of Australia (Canberra). New South Wales alone accounted for more than 20,000 outbreaks announced Monday.

 Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison told local media: "We have to stop looking at the number of cases and focus on patients who are in critical condition. "Living with the virus, health care and ensuring that we are closely monitoring the situation and keeping our economy afloat."

 Hospital admissions in New South Wales alone rose more than 10 percent (1,204) on Monday from Sunday, compared with Sunday. (December 25, 2021) It has increased up to three times. The Australian Ministry of Health has announced that the new Omicron virus is highly contagious, but the incidence of the disease is lower than in the Delta.


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